Board Meeting Summary August 22, 2023

August 22, 2023
Board Meeting Summary

Board Action:

The Board of Directors passed a recommendation from the Board Rate Committee to increase residential and general service rates on average 4.7% effective October 1, 2023. The rate adjustment includes a $5 per month increase to the basic charge for all rate classes and an adjusted charge per kWh (up or down) for each rate class. A facilities reserve fund was created from Bonneville Power Association’s reserve distribution clause to help offset the cost of future facility construction projects, and the Board approved adjustments to the schedule of charges.

The adjustments are part of a rate strategy that provides sufficient revenue for Salem Electric’s operating and capital needs while factoring in the equitable allocation of costs to all rate classes. 

General Manager’s Report:

Tony Schacher discussed the BPA post-2028 provider of choice policy draft and updated the Board on the number of signatures needed to be nominated by petition for election to the Salem Electric Board of Directors. The requirement is one percent of the members of record as of June 30, 2023, equaling 19,218 members. Petitioners need to collect 192 signatures to qualify for the 2024 ballot.

Tony has been nominated for election to Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange Board for region 9 which includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Voting will take place at the NRECA Regional Meeting on September 27 in Omaha, Nebraska.